Tag Archives: worry

an unhappy lot

I was rummaging through my diaries, just to revisit my memory , or in philosophical terms, to the person that I was.

While going through those chapters of my life, I was struck at a chapter 43332 , the chapter I wrote at a time, when I was not getting any job, I mean, on campus placement. And in that I wrote all sort of stuff, I mean venting my frustration, and painting the most horific picture I could have painted, and at the end of the chapter, I wrote, Oh God , please give me just a job.

Fast forward, come to chapter number 433389 – that I wrote yesterday, and what struck me that, the content of both the chapters were same, I mean, I got a job now, and then again, I painted the most horrific picture that I can paint, it goes as, what job, such less package, if I don’t get any growth, what is the use of the job, ….and at the end of it I wrote, Oh God, please give a good job.

Ok, so there is nothing new about it, for example, most of the time , I ask god to give me good grades, when I did get one, then again I start complaining that ,”it is not that good”.

I am happy that these Diaries happen to remind me , of what Proust is to say about “human being ” in general

“There are few things humans are more dedicated to than unhappiness. Had we been placed on earth by a malign creator for the exclusive purpose of suffering, we would have good reason to congratulate ourselves on our enthusiastic response to the task.”

That’s all folks