Tag Archives: men liberalization

Hale Balika Vadhu

Today, I watched “Balika Vadhu” and felt so good. Male dominance is here to stay, as long as our media keep on doing this “good work” . These serials have made household chores ( managing husband and kids) and household politics (managing in laws) glamorous among Indian women. Well, women elsewhere are looking to be “in equal” with man, but in India , women are begining to love this inequality in the name of “tradition”.

It is not that I am anti-feminist, but these echoes are from an angry adult heart, who is treated as a four yearold by his mom, and ten year old by his girlfriend, which when combine gives a call for this anti-feminist rhetoric.

Westerner says , In India , Women are a second grade citizen, but ask me and I will point out , how women rule majority of Indian men(including me): before marriage by mother, and after marriage by Wife.It is not that We are meek , but it is that we want to save ourselves from the “domestic torture”. As we believe in, “peace at home, is peace of mind”.

Serials like Balika Vadhu, have impede the progress of women liberalization, but my heart flutters, when i think of a world , where women rules men – in office and at home